(April 22, 2024) The group village head of Mwanjawala village in northern Malawi is donating space in an unused building as a place for youth to meet. It comes after a parent Shashura Mwalilino heard a program on Radio Dinosaur in Karonga about why parents need to allow their teenagers access to contraceptives. Mwalilino then contacted Group Village Head Mwanjawala-Mwangwabira. The GVH says “I provided the space because Mr. Shashura approached me after listening to the radio program. He said there was a discussion on the radio, but I did not listen to it myself. But knowing that it was talking about our youths, I had no problems as I know very well that it is going to assist my community as explained to me by Shashura.” During a meeting on February 19th, attended by 14 people, including three youth, GVH Mwanjawala- Mwangwabira said he'd like to see the space be used as a youth corner. 17-year old Fanny Mwabungulu, who attended the meeting, agreed. “We should have in our community a place where we can go to as youths and get the services we want next to us as we walk long distances (up to 5-6 kilometers) to the main hospital to access the services we need,” Mwabungulu said. The building requires renovations because a storm blew off the roof a few months ago.